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Mission Statement

ACPAC is committed to providing cultural enrichment, promoting moral and spiritual values, developing hidden talents among youth, and educating both adults and children through the performing arts.

Our History

ACPAC INC. (Association Chretienne pour la Promotion de l’Art et de la Culture) is a Christian non-profit organization located in North Miami, Florida. Most of its plays are centered on Haitian culture with immigration, the Haitian-American Diaspora, and religion serving as its reoccurring themes.

Withnie Honore is the playwright and founder of ACPAC. The idea of founding a drama club began to germinate in Honore’s mind in 1996. Honore was facing some challenges that drove her to nourish some unwanted and distressing thoughts. She didn’t enjoy processing those morbid thoughts. She wanted to use her brain for something positive, so she began jotting notes about a family torn apart by religious issues and the in-laws. Those notes became her first play, “Deblozay.” She wrote it in three days and eagerly shared her idea with the members of her then singing group called” Les filles de la nouvelle Jerusalem” The roles were distributed among some members of Honore’s church: Simone Nemorin, Jean Marc Fleurimond, Suze Flerena, Ledna Honore, Ursula Fraïs, Michelle Noël, Betty Francis, Marie Michelle Louis and Robens Fraïs.

Although Honore had no prior experience in writing nor directing; “Deblozay” was a success. More than 200 people almost filled the auditorium at Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus. Many people had contributed to make the first presentation a marking point. Fred Hilaire helped with the decors and settings and Madame Veronique Fraïs designed the costumes. Martine St-Aimé and Evans Ecclesiaste performed a duet with the musical arrangement of Benjamin Noël and his band. Onickel Augustin and Nuella Joseph stunned the audience with a duet entitled” le mystère de l’amour.”

The standing ovation, the enthusiasm of the participants and the encouraging words from Pastor Michel L. Porcena and Brother Jean Monestime, convinced Honore that she was on the right track. Soon after, Onickel Augustin, a well-known Haitian musician offered his assistance in editing, directing and coaching etc….

Three months after the first presentation, there was a repeat of Deblozay at the Joseph Caleb Center in Liberty City. In February 1998, with the participation of Marie Erlande Steril, we presented Deblozay II.  We took a long break in order to structure the group. New members were added and we adopted the name of ACPAC.

Today, ACPAC is one of the oldest, continuous running Haitian themed theatrical performance in South Florida. It has presented one play annually at the Julius Littman Performance Arts Theatre in North Miami Beach since 2003 and each play is usually standing-room only at the 900 seat auditorium. ACPAC’s membership has increased from Honore, her two sisters and a few friends to more than 50 seasoned actors, actresses and singers ranging from three years old to senior citizens.  ACPAC has received recognition from the City of North Miami, and City of North Miami Beach. Haitian radio and the Miami Herald have covered one of its performances, and several of its actors are now performing regionally.

ACPAC is a developing arts organization with potential for growth: In 2006, ACPAC presented a play in Broward for the first time. More than 500 people attended. The following year ACPAC expanded to Orlando and some 300 individuals attended. in 2015, ACPAC had its first presentation in Palm Beach County, it was a success. On December 3, 2016, ACPAC celebrated its 20th years of existence with a film entitled “Une Vie au Travers du Feu.”

ACPAC has been a 501(c) 3 since 2009. Its eleven board members oversee its finances and help chart its growth. As a non-profit organization, ACPAC depends on the support of its fans and its generous sponsors. ACPAC germinated in the heart of its founder nearly two decades ago and its best days are still ahead. ACPAC’s goal is to have its own location to provide after school activities (i.e.: drama, art and craft and tutoring) to young kids.

Latest Interview on TATV- Tele Anacaona

ACPAC in Orlando FL. Click on the link to watch the full interview –  Watch now

Board Members

Withnie Honore

Withnie Honore was born and raised in Haiti and Immigrated along with her 2 sisters to the US in 1991 Withnie has 3 children and a granddaughter. She love helping…

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Onickel Augustin

    I was born in Petite Rivierre de l’Artibonite, a small city located on the north side of Haiti. During my childhood, I attended the St.Vincent School for the Handicapped Children located in Port-au-Prince,…

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Anauder Daniel

Anauder Daniel: Actor, singer and Board Member I am a father of two wonderful kids and a caring husband. I have been with ACPAC since 2007. I have played many…

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Arrie Fils-Aime

Arrie Fils-Aimé, Actress and Board Member I joined ACPAC in 2003 playing the role of "Antoinette" in "La Vie a des Revers". I had lots of fun with my colleagues…

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Carlène E. Paul

I started with ACPAC in 1996 as a dancer. I also have had the privilege of playing different characters. “Denise” in "La vie a des revers" is my favorite.

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Martine S. Dufleurant

I am married with 2 handsome boys. I have been with ACPAC since 1996. I have played different characters and sung many selections. My favorite character is “Ti manman” in…

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Romane Talleyrand

I joined ACPAC in 2003. I have played many great characters that I am always pleased with. Since many people are still calling me “Djenoulès”, I would say that my…

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Yasmine L. Florvil

I was born in Jeremie, Haiti, but grew up in Port-Au -Prince. I migrated to the United States in 2000. I am a wife, a mother of three beautiful girls,…

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Newton Naasson Jean

I was Born in Trouin and raised in Port-au-Prince.  I have never dreamed of becoming an actor until after playing the character of a prince charming at Bahot Bainet in 1988 under…

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Judy Dorcelus

I am married with 2 children. I am a registered nurse working at Mount Sinai Hospital. I have been a member of ACPAC for 16 years. I have played many…

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Simone Nemorin

I am married with 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I am a nurse practitioner specializes in internal medicine. I have been with ACPAC since 1996.  I have played many characters;…

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Ledna Honoré

I am a dental hygienist, an interior designer and a currently Pharm D. Candidate. I have been with ACPAC since 1996. I am a classical and contemporary singer trained by…

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