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    I was born in Petite Rivierre de l’Artibonite, a small city located on the north side of Haiti. During my childhood, I attended the St.Vincent School for the Handicapped Children located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. At the age of eight I began playing the harmonica and was very good at it. Sister Magaret Joan, who was the founder & principal of the school, took great interest in my talent. She bought me a little accordion that I learned to play on my own. Amazed, Sister Joan encouraged me to pursue my dream. She referred me to teachers in order to receive the classical education in music. I soon became the first violinist at the St Trinity Philharmonic Orchestra. I learned very quickly and was so eager to share my talents with others. Then the school hired me as a Musical Director and Teacher.

From 1980 to 1988, I served as the President and Director of the Haitian Society for The Blind; a dynamic Association working for the Intellectual Promotion Moral and Socio-Economic for the visually impaired. In 1993, I decided to leave Haiti for the United States.  I was invited by Sister Nuella Joseph to perform a duet with her at ACPAC first theatrical performance. I made sure that I paid attention to every single detail. I was very impressed by the actors and the playwright. I have always wanted to participate in something positive, so I extended my help right after the presentation. By God’s grace I have been with ACPAC for 20 years. Our purpose is to help the young Haitians understand their values, to educate and give them a chance to develop their talents. I am very grateful, proud and honored to use my knowledge and talents for a good cause. As for my favorite play, I like all of them. I think….anyway, I am debating between “Trop tard” and “Ni l’un ni l’autre”

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